#39: If your boss asks you to do something totally new…

March 30, 2018

Let’s say your boss asks you to handle something you’ve never done before (e.g. start managing the company Instagram). You have minimal experience creating content or managing a posting schedule but you’re aware that this a great opportunity to grow your professional skill-set. You don’t want to say to your boss, but you’re hesitant to reveal that you’re no Instagram wizard.

What should you do?

We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we learn what to do if your boss asks you to do something totally new…

Key Takeaways

  • Hammer out the logistics of the assignment with your manager
  • If it’s an existing task, maybe shadow the current owner for more info
  • Express enthusiasm for learning something new and at the same time gather info to establish guidelines for yourself
  • You should feel comfortable telling your boss you’ve never done something before so they can at least point you in the right direction
  • If you’re learning something new and you’re lost for where to start…Google it
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