#47: If you bring your phone to a meeting…

May 25, 2018

In 2018 it’s hard to imagine being in a meeting without a laptop or cell phone, but despite all the benefits of having a supercomputer at your disposal, screens can have some unfortunate consequences.

We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. On this episode, we chat about things to consider when you bring your phone to a meeting…

Key Takeaways

  • For group meetings, make it a rule that one person takes notes and everyone else leaves their laptops at their desks
  • If you’re going into a meeting where you’ll need to share information, obviously bring a laptop. But when you’re done presenting, close it and focus
  • With the exception of emergencies, try to keep your phone out of meetings
  • If you have an Apple watch, disconnect it from your iPhone before entering a meeting
  • You should come to the meeting prepared and if you don’t absolutely need a laptop/cellphone don’t bring it
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