#7: If you’re unsure how much to share about your personal life…

October 27, 2017

There’s a good chance that you follow your co-workers on Instagram. Every post gives you a glimpse into their personal life (what they do on the weekends, who they’re with, etc.). Many businesses encourage sharing what makes you tick outside of the 9-5. It creates a fun work culture where people feel fulfilled. But is there a limit to what you should share? Will a picture of a drunk night out make your boss think twice before making you lead on a new project?

What should you be sharing about your personal life? What should you keep to yourself? How much is too much?

We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week, every week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. In this episode, we get to the bottom of what to do if you’re unsure how much to share about your personal life…

Key Takeaways:

  • If you’re a new employee understand that you’re joining a pre-existing group – spend some time getting to know the lay of the land
  • Your health is personal information – be mindful of what you share
  • If you’re going through a breakup or divorce and it’s possible your performance may drop; consider telling your manager so they understand the context
  • Keep your sex life to yourself
  • People’s opinions of alcohol and recreational drug use vary. Be mindful of what you’re sharing.
  • Use a critical eye when posting on your social profiles – assume that your employer or potential employer is seeing those posts.
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