#44: If you want to make a good first impression…

May 04, 2018

Business is run by people. If you don’t know anyone, it’s going to be tough to find new clients. That means you’ve got to get out in the world and meet people. So…what are the keys to making a good first impression?

We sit down with our CEO for 15 minutes each week to get practical business advice so we can advance in our careers. On this episode, we chat about what to do if you want to make a good first impression…

Key Takeaways

  • If you’re getting pulled into a last-minute meeting with some execs and you need to make a good first impression…
    • Ask for a minute to run to the restroom so you can take a breath and collect yourself in a mirror
    • Take something to write on, something to write with, and a business card
  • If it’s a planned meeting, spend 30 minutes doing research online about them and their accomplishments
  • You’re being brought into the room for a reason. Your job is to be remembered well for that reason
  • In general, the highest ranking person in the room will follow up after the meeting
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